American Psychological Association (APA)

APA Membership Fellow Status — Division 56 (Trauma Psychology)

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Fellows status is an elected honor bestowed upon Members of the American Psychological Association who have demonstrated unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. Dr. Figley attained membership in 1974 when he received his PhD and was elected Fellow status
Nominations to Initial Fellow status are made by APA Divisions . See the Division 56 (Trauma Psychology) web site. Division Members who believe that they have made a significant contribution to trauma psychology should consider becoming a candidate. Fellow candidate application materials are reviewed first by the Division Fellows Committee. If approved the Candidate's application is forwarded to the Division's governing council. If approved, the application goes to the APA Membership Committee, which has the responsibility of making recommendations (based on criteria established by both the APA and the nominating division) to the APA Board of Directors. The Board recommends nominee's election to Fellow Status for approval by the APA Council of Representatives, which then elects nominees to Fellow status in 1978 with his first book, Stress Disorders among Vietnam Veterans: Theory, Research, and Treatment (Brunner/Mazel).
Dr. Figley is Founding Fellow of Division 43 (Society for Family Psychology) and Fellow Committee Chair. Dr. Figley is Founding Fellow of Division 56 (Trauma Psychology) and its Founding Division Representative to the Council of Representative, and Founding Fellow Chair.
Dr. Figley was awarded the Division's first Lifetime Achievement in Trauma Psychology. He is currently serving a 3-year term as Representative of the Division to the Council of Representatives.